Combat Veteran Jeff Beierlein on Kurt Winstead Skipping TN-5 Debate: ‘First Time in Tennessee History a General Ran from a Fight’

Tennessee 5th Congressional District candidate and combat veteran Jeff Beierlein criticized retired National Guard Brigadier General Kurt Winstead for reportedly agreeing to and later skipping The Epoch Times TN-5 candidates debate held on Tuesday, saying, “this is the first time in Tennessee history, a general ran from the fight.”

Prior to Beierlein’s statement, debate moderator, The Epoch Times Editor-at-Large Roger Simon, who is also an all-star panelist of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy, mentioned that Winstead agreed to the debate, the organizers moved the time of the debate to accommodate him, and then Winstead dropped out.

Beierlein said in part of what amounted to an opening statement, “I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight. There was a ton of coordination that went into putting this together, hundreds and hundreds of hours, [with] people coming from all over the country to participate in this process, but to your point, Roger, we are missing somebody.”

Beierlein proceeded to hold up a Kurt Winstead for U.S. Representative palm card and read the words on the front.

“Kurt Winstead. Army General, businessman, conservative outsider – he’s so outside, he’s outside of our process,” continued Beierlein to cheers from the crowd.

“And I will say, as a proud Tennessean and a combat veteran in the United States Army, this is the first time in Tennessee history, a general ran from the fight,” said Beierlein to more cheers.

Beierlein additionally had strong words for the Biden administration’s reckless spending and sharply criticized the American Rescue Plan.

“In the first six months of this fiscal year, we brought in around 2.1 trillion in revenue and federal government treasuries. Biden outspent that by 30 percent,” he said.

“The American Rescue Plan was a total frickin’ disaster and to think of putting more dollars ahead of the goods we can produce, you’re not going to drive inflation – you’re clearly out to lunch. We clearly don’t trust the same people. We’ve been lied to by our federal government,” added the TN-5 candidate.

Previously reported, The Epoch Times, the Nashville Republican Women, Williamson County Young Republicans, and Davidson County Young Republicans hosted a unique debate on Tuesday evening with TN-5 candidates combat veteran Jeff Beierlein, Maury County Mayor Andy Ogles, and State Senate aide Tres Wittum participating.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Jeff Beierlein” by Jeff Beierlein and “Kurt Winstead is by Kurt Winstead.


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7 Thoughts to “Combat Veteran Jeff Beierlein on Kurt Winstead Skipping TN-5 Debate: ‘First Time in Tennessee History a General Ran from a Fight’”

  1. Karen L Bracken

    Andy Ogles is clearly the man with a spine of steel that will not swim with the swamp creatures.It was a great event and Carol Swain was awesome. I so wish she would have decided to run for Governor. I will be voting Independent again for Governor. John Gentry is my choice. He is a constitutional candidate that has proven he cannot be swayed.

  2. Mark Knofler

    Well, just looked up Gen Weathervane, since he keeps calling. I looked up his wife as well and it’s no wonder Morgan Orangutan is supporting him, his wife wreaks of the DC swamp. Mr Weathervane, TN has enough RINO’s, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha and Meek Lee are not the best we have to offer no sense in adding another bureaucrat in Officers clothing to the roster. And as for Beth Harwell, all the know ultra libs in our neighborhood have her sign in their yards, so that tells me all I need to know about Susan Collins Jr.

  3. Brenda Warf

    I have a very hard time believing everything oit there, especially people who want it both ways…one hand on the front door…not wanting to let go…because you’re fearful of not getting what you want now. That is just my way of seeing you at this time. You are to indecisive for my vote. We already have folks like you in politics.

  4. William Bruce

    We need real tough conservatives to sand up to the Biden disfunction and corruption facing our nation. It looks like Winstead is a snake and is not what he purports to be. Please don’t fall for it, Tennesseans!

    1. Truthy McTruthFace

      can’t trust anyone married to a dem lobbyist.

      ogles 2020

      1. 83ragtop50

        For sure.

  5. Betty Lynn Duley

    It was a good evening with great questions and input from the panelists. Jeff B and Andy O both presented themselves very well. It was refreshing to hear some plain talk instead of “my respected colleague on the other side of the aisle” nonsense. The other side of the aisle these days is either your enemy or they are completely deceived and out of touch. Jim Cooper will leave behind convoluted mess to work through. Andy’s experience in Maury County will be valuable.
